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Crafting classroom leaders

The department of education for equity and justice at UW-Eau Claire gives you the knowledge, tools and skills needed to lead students and make a positive impact on their lives. Discover your own teaching style through learning contemporary lesson-planning and teaching techniques, firsthand experience in local K-12 schools and cultural immersion experiences. Prepare to join the ranks of Blugold teachers who lead their students towards a bright future.

Mission statement

The department of education for equity and justice prepares educators who implement anti-oppressive and culturally sustaining pedagogies. We facilitate the development of educators who advocate for justice in schools and communities.

Chloe Cordell

Meet Chloe Cordell

What do you like about the program?
I have to say, my favorite thing about the elementary-middle program and the EEJ department are the professors themselves. They make the learning so fun and engaging. They all have such great personalities. It is easy to make connections from the classes to your own life.

What have you gained in terms of knowledge or personal growth?
The EEJ department and education program have taught me how to be a better leader and how to really connect with my students. As educators, we are so in touch with our feelings and our students' feelings. This program taught me how to use those feelings and make them into learning moments for myself and the students.

What brought you to an educational career?
I’ve been drawn to a career in education because I want to see a change in our future. I want our world to be one where everyone is accepted for who they are, and one with compassion, caring, and kindness. But as hard as I may wish, I have to be the one to start change, and there is no better way than to work with young people. 

What do you want to teach?

澳门葡京网赌送彩金 offers a variety of teaching majors and minors. Find the fields that interest you most and what grade levels most suit your skills. Experienced faculty in subject areas across the university ensure that you will be well versed in whatever subject you choose. They'll also show you how to make positive impacts on your students' lives through collaborative leadership, compassion and insight. Your experiences at UW-Eau Claire will prepare you well for a bright career in teaching.

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Student traveling

Get more from teaching

Expand your educational enthusiasm and get involved outside of the classroom. We have opportunities to travel and to join student organizations, as well as many other offerings that add knowledge and experience to your years as a Blugold.

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